Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How-To: Clean Makeup Brushes

Hey Chicas,

So many people talk about how to apply makeup and things, but the how to clean the brushes is not so available.  The ones that do have them are generally supporting a certain kind of cleanser to use.  I have a quick, cheap and easy way to clean them, and some tips on how to increase the life of your brushes!  Remember they are expensive...treat them well. :)

First gather your brushes...if you have a lot and not enough time, take them in sections to clean.  Such as only eyeshadow one day, and facial ones the next.  This way you can do it without spending hours doing them.

You don't have to wash them daily...I would actually adivse you not to.  Daily washing will dry out the bristles.  I should likely wash my brushes more then I do, but I do find it hard to find time to clean them.  Bad excuse? Yeah, but its the truth!  

I would say once a week for your facial brushes, such as foundation brush, and concealer brushes, would be pretty good and very keen!  Because these are the brushes that are touching your skin, and any oils that are on your face before your apply any makeup as well as some of the cream on your face.  If you have sensative skin, or are prone to breakouts, you should mostly definitely wash your brushes once a week.  These are the burshes that generally in contact with liquid/cream/gel products and when objects are wet/damp bacteria can grow on them, causing you to be putting the bacteria back on your face, leading to more breakouts.  You have to break the cycle!

Now that the lecture is over...haha.  Sorry, but had to explain the importance of cleaning them! We will move one to how to clean them.

You'll need Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo, olive oil, paper towel, and a towel.


Always hold your brushes with the brush end down, when washing them.   If you are holding them up and letting the water drip down the bristles, that water will end up going down the bristels, into the metal that connects the bristels to the handle, causing rusting/breaking, and into the wooden/bamboo handle.  The water will slowly cause rot, and soften the joints, which will cause your brushes to begin to waddle in the handles, shorting the life.

Get the nonfoundation brushes wet and apply a quater size amount of baby shampoo to gently rub it between the bristles, you can also very gently swirl the brush in the hand like you would a paint brush.  Never let the water push the bristles apart, you will never get the brush back to the same state again.  Rinse and repeat until the shampoo is clean and no more residue is showing, squeeze the water out of the brushes, and reshape to the orgingial shape, so it can dry correctly.  Finally set the brush over the edge of a counter/table so the brush head is not touching any surface.  If you simply lay it down you'll have a flat brush, because the bristles cannot expand and go fluffy  when it dries.

Never stand up your wet brushes to dry ever!  As for the reasons mentioned above you will shorten the life of your brushes and they will not dry correctly.

Well I think that is a long enough post for today....check back tomorrow on how to clean a foundation brush!

Caitlin xoxo


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