Hey Chicas!
So less then one, ONE month before Christmas. Can't you tell that I'm getting excited for it!! Well this past weekend, we started to decorate!!! It was pretty awesome, because as we were finishing for the night, it started to snow, and everything looked soo much more pretty!
Now, no we don't have everything up, but just the few little touches that we did get up, do make such a difference. If you aren't feeling the spirit, my suggestion is to put up some decorations, it will help alot!
The issue with most of this plastic candles, is that they are ugly. I mean butt ugly! Especially, if you have them for years, (like those red ones with the greenery, yeah ditch the greenery all together, yo
u know it doesn't look good anymore!), they tend to turn yellow and icky!But I have a solution, spray paint. Get gold, silver, green, or red, spray paint for plastic surfaces. Non-plastic ones will work, but after a while the paint will scratch off, causing you to reapply the paint. So buy the right kind, I speak from experience.
Another option if you want them to look more fancy, is to buy fancy bulbs! I know easy solution, but how many of you have thought of it. They are hard to find but man, do they give off a different light then the normal ones. Its a softer more dimensional light, and they look pretty!
An issue that we had, was that we have pets, one dog and two cats, and at some Christmas two nephews. These candles are very light, and the slightest of touch they can be knocked over, breaking the bulb, hence we are no out of the fancy, pretty bulbs :(. My Dad thought of a great solution to make the base heavier.
Option 1. You could spray paint a wooden base the same color (or an opposing one) as the candle, then hot glue the candle to the base. This not only gives you more height but also a more sturdy base.
Option 2. The bases of these are hollow, soo they can be filled. We filled them with some cement, now its not hard at all to do, you get the small bag and just add water. You want the consistency of pancake batter, or a thick milkshake. You will have to set up some sort of drying system to the cement can set properly. And just ensure that the bottom is smooth to you don't have cement bits scraping your window sills.
I hope that this have given you some ideas on how to spruce up some older Christmas decorations!
So for under $10 you can have good as new, and expensive looking candles to place in your windows for the Holiday Season.
Caitlin xoxo
This is the most amazing idea I have EVER seen :) :) Just might have to try it out! The yellow plastic is kind of getting old! Keep up the good work Caitlin! xoxo
Thanks Kristen!!! I was wondering if you were reading this..lol It is super easy to jazz them up some! :)
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